It’s that time of year! It’s wet, snowy and downright cold! What can you do to keep your apartment home warm and cozy? Here are our tips for cheap ways to keep your apartment warm.
Window coverings
You can help insulate your windows from the cold very easily. It’s a cheap way to keep your apartment warm. You can use plastic to wrap the inside of your windows to prevent cold air from leaking through. Other options are hanging thick curtains over the windows. This will cut the cool air from coming into your apartment home. Keep your drapes open on sunny winter days to let the sunshine keep your apartment warm.
Cheap Way to Keep Your Apartment Warm- Set Your Thermostat
Turn your thermostat down to 62 or so during the times you are not home or sleeping. This can save on your heating bill a little bit. Turn it up to a comfortable setting when you are home enjoying your apartment. Making that conscious effort can help save a lot of money over the whole winter. If you normally keep your thermostat at 68 degrees try turning it down to 67 and put on an extra sweater. This will also help cut costs.
Keep Your Bathroom Door Open When You Shower
Believe it or not, when you shower you can keep your apartment warm. The warm damp air generated when you take a hot shower will go into the rest of your apartment. This will make it feel warmer.
Use a Hot Water Bottle
This old fashioned trick has some real modern day merit. Place a hot water bottle in your bed, under the covers, about 20 minutes before you settle in for the night. Are your feet always cold? Then place the bottle there to start. Hot water bottles are available on-line. Another trick to keep warm when you sleep is to invest in flannel sheets. These really help to keep you snuggly all night in the winter.
Door draft barriers
One of the main sources of cold air coming into an apartment can come in from under the main door. Try rolling up a towel and putting it up against the bottom of the door. They also sell door draft barriers for a few dollars online.
NH Resources for controlling heating costs:
Southern NH Energy Assistance Application Process
Finding a Great Apartment in Southern NH
Manchester is a great NH city to live in! Need a place? Let Red Oak Apartment Homes help. We have over 1800 apartments in various locations. Many include free heat and hot water. Now that’s a cheap way to keep your apartment warm Contact us for our availability.