It’s the end of another year and our thoughts turn to new beginnings and a fresh start for the New Year! We are big fans of making life less stressful. Why put a lot of pressure on yourself to embark on large new projects or massive self-improvement that will add frustration to your life. Instead, we suggest that you do these simple things to simplify your life and start the new year off right.
Clean Up Last Year’s Receipts to Start Your New Year Off Right
Take a look at your physical environment. Are there papers and receipts you need to file or throw away? Take just 10 minutes a day for the next five days to work on straightening up your paperwork. You’ll be amazed at what you can accomplish in such a short time! This will start your new year off right and help you to be ready for saving receipts for next year.
Love is Important to Start Your New Year Off Right
Tell one person each week that you love them. It’s too easy to forget to tell people that we care about them. This year, make it a special promise to yourself that you’ll tell at least one person, each week, that you love them and that you’re grateful to have them in your life. It’s good for them and good for you.
Buy a Plant
Start your new year off right with a new plant. Not only will you be creating better air quality for your home or office, but nurturing a plant can help you emotionally as well. While you’re at it, buy a nice pot to plant it in, and place your new plant somewhere where it will give you joy. Share a plant with someone else and help to get their new year started off right too.
Find out how much money you need to retire
You’ll find many retirement calculators at the online financial web sites, like or They’re easy to use and can quickly give you a financial goal to move towards. If you don’t have access to the Internet, ask your bank or financial broker for a paper version of a retirement calculator. Planning for your short term and long term goals is always a good idea.
Spend time with your best friend
A one-hour lunch, a movie, a walk in the park … it doesn’t matter what you do together, as long as you spend time with each other. Not only will you get a sense of companionship and love, but you’ll be going a long way towards stress relief. Don’t have a best friend nearby? Get yourself to classes or events around topics that excite you and find yourself a new best friend! Being with people is important especially if you have recently moved to a new city or town. Look to your work place for a friend with mutual interests.
Buy a new bed pillow
Too many of us have old pillows on our beds that don’t support our necks properly as we sleep. For under $25, you can find a huge selection of pillows at most department stores. And, you can keep your old pillow to add firmness and support when you’re reading in bed. What a great way to start your new year off right.
Take a television break once a week in the New Year
One night a week, choose to have a “no television” night. Read a book. Work on a craft project. Play a game. Write a story. Take a walk. Involve your family and friends to come up with creative and fun things you can do on your “no television” night. It will be amazing to find that you may not miss TV at all on these nights. This is a great way to start your new year off right.

Find a New Apartment
It’s amazing to know that choosing a great apartment can de-stress your life. Maybe you have a bad roommate situation, maybe your space now is too small or too big. Reflect on these matters and think about whether or not a new place is right for you. If you decide to move you can make your life easy by contacting Red Oak Apartment Homes. We are NH’s Apartment Rental Specialists. Our goal is to make your move easy. Southern New Hampshire and the city of Manchester are great places to live. Need an apartment? We can help you find your perfect place.