The warm weather is here and everyone wants to stay cool in their apartments. Check out our money saving tips on how to cool apartment on hot days.

Use Fans – fans are much less expensive to run compared to air conditioning. You can direct the flow and strength of the air too. A good trick is to place a bowl of ice in front of your fan. The cool air that surrounds the bowl will then be sent throughout your room. Placing the fan in your open window is a good idea when the evening comes. The air outside is usually a bit cooler and this will be circulated around your room.
Move Lamps and Televisions away from your air conditioner – having warm appliances near your air conditioning unit prevents them from working efficiently. The appliance has to work twice as hard. This ends up costing you extra money.
Use white window treatments – white window blinds or shades will not attract the heat. Keeping your shades down or curtains drawn will also help to keep the sun and heat out of your apartment.

Take a Dip- A swim in your local community pool or even just enjoy a quick cold/cool shower is a great way to chill out.
Keep Windows Closed – When temperatures really climb it’s actually more efficient to keep your windows closed during the day and only have them open at night.
Eat cold meals – your oven or stove will produce heat inside your apartment home. This might also be an excuse to enjoy a treat and get take out or visit your favorite restaurant.
Escape! – Take advantage of the air conditioning at your local shopping center or relax by going to the movies.
Manchester and Milford are great places to live in Southern New Hampshire. Need an apartment? Red Oak has a large variety of apartment homes. Many have air conditioning units or central air conditioning. Check out our availability or contact us for a tour.