Saving Money on Back to School Supplies

Although your kids may not be ready to hear this yet, Back to School time is right around the corner. That means, it’s time to start thinking about getting a new batch of school supplies for your kids. Before you drag them to the store to get them ready for the new school year ahead, we have a few tips on  saving money on back to school supplies.

Saving Money on Back to School Supplies

Shop at Home to Save on School Supplies

A lot of the supplies that your child will need for school, you may already have lying around your house. That spare pair of scissors that you never use, could be perfect for your child to use for their art projects in class. By looking around at home first, you could save a lot of money on school supplies by not buying things you already have.  Be sure that any items that your child takes to school are allowed by the teacher and are in good working condition.

Saving Money on Back to School Supplies

Stick to the List

When teachers give out a back to school list, they are essentially saying that your child isn’t going to need anything for the class that is not on the list. Those sparkly gel pens may look cool, but if your child doesn’t have a use for them, all they are going to do is take up space and cost you extra money.  Sometimes these fancy items distract your child and causes problems from other children in the class.

Saving Money on Back to School Supplies

Buy In Bulk

Generally speaking, prices for School Supplies are plentiful and cheaper around back to school time. Buying multiple items that are on sale on during the summer, could lead to saving money down the road.

Saving Money on Back to School Supplies

Research the Best Deals for Saving Money on Back to School Supplies

The Sunday circulars in the paper are a great way to find out which stores are offering deals on the items that you need the most. By mapping out a game plan on which stores you need to go visit ahead of time, it takes a lot of guessing out of the equation and gives you the reassurance that you are getting the best deals. It also gives you a chance to find coupons that may further help your bottom line.  Looking on-line at large office supply store and department store sites can lead to some great sales too.  Make shopping for school supplies a fun activity with your kids.  If they feel part of it they will take better care of the items they get for school.

Need An Apartment in Time for Back to School?

Southern New Hampshire and the city of Manchester are great places to live.  Need an apartment?  Red Oak Apartment Homes has many locations and styles that are close to area schools and colleges.  Contact us for all the details on finding the perfect place for you.

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