Saving Money on School Lunches for Your Kids

Lunch is a vital part of the school day for every kid. It’s the mid-day pick me up that they need to ensure that they are learning.    Remember, energy is essential for learning and for recess.

Although it may be tempting to send your child off with some money for the cafeteria lunch and forget about it, there are a lot of ways that you can save money and eat healthier by packing a lunch for your little ones. Here are our top tips for saving money on school lunches for your kids.

Save Money on School Lunches

Saving money on school lunches for your kids:  Invest in a quality container

Although the old-school lunchboxes are a thing of the past, there are still a lot of alternatives to the brown paper bag. By investing in an insulated lunch box and a thermos bottle, you get more options as to what types of foods you can send your child to school with.  You can save money on school lunches for your kids this way.  Also, by investing in plastic silverware, you don’t have to worry about your child accidently throwing away the good silver in the cafeteria.

Save Money on School Lunches

Plan around the Sales for Saving Money on School Lunches

By keeping tabs on the sales flyers at your local grocery stores, you can save a lot of cash by shopping based on the sales. If you plan the menu for your child in advance based on what they like, you can also know what to look for in the circular.  This will help you to eventually figure out which stores offer the best deals on the foods you buy most.

Save Money on School Lunches

Bulk, not Convenience

For the same price or less than the cost of a 4 pack of pudding cups or a spaghetti take-out dinner at the supermarket, you could probably make an entire batch of pudding or spaghetti yourself. So instead of splurging on something that’s pre-made, you can be saving money on school lunches.   Those premade lunches at the store may look appealing with their cool characters on the boxes, but you can make the same thing for less at home.  Invest in a cold pack to place in your child’s lunch box to keep food cold. 

Save Money on School Lunches

Put a few dollars into their Lunch Account

Sometimes kids leave their lunches on the counter. Other times, your child may get to lunch and realize its Pizza Day and they really, really like Pizza. It’s definitely worth it to put a few dollars in their lunch account for days like these so you can be sure that your child will have something to eat   You won’t have to waste gas driving a forgotten lunch to school. 

Schools today are constantly reinforcing healthy eating habits for kids.  You can set a good example for your family by offering wholesome and healthy choices in the lunches you pack for them.

 Find An Apartment Near Schools in Southern New Hampshire

Southern New Hampshire and the city of Manchester are great places to live.  Need an apartment?  Red Oak Apartment Homes can help you find your perfect place.  Many of our apartments are close to area schools.  Contact us for all our available apartments.

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