You have waited all year for your family vacation. Expectations are high and everyone has some ideas about what they want to do on the trip. How do you set yourself up for a peaceful family vacation? Here are our
5 tips for a peaceful family vacation
Make Sacrifices
Remember that family vacation time is just that—Time to make memories with your family. Maybe your son is adventurous and you don’t like to take risks. Force yourself to go along with the activities planned in a safe and fun manner. Your son may love you and remember the experience forever because you accommodated his interest. To keep peace sometimes you just go along and make everyone happy. I’m sure there will be some activities that you will all find common ground on along the way.
Eat In
Choosing a restaurant can be stressful because not everyone can agree on a place or want to make reservations. If you have small children, eating out can be difficult for them as they are tired at the end of a long day of activity and excitement. It can make a big difference on your vacation if you have a rented house or a room with kitchen facilities. This way you can cook the food your family loves, save money and accommodate the most picky of eaters. Go out for ice cream as a treat some nights.
Know Your Limits
If you are traveling with young children or grandparents remember that you will need to keep the day’s activities adjusted for their pace and interests. It’s okay for a few activities to be done in small groups. For instance grandma and your youngest child can go for a walk on the beach and a nice lunch, while Dad and the kids go rafting. Meet up later in the day and share your experiences. It will give you a lot to talk about at dinner.
Plan Breaks
No one can keep up a hectic pace 24 hours a day. Vacation is a time to kick back and do some relaxing. Make sure you plan some time every day to just hang around, read, do a puzzle alone or take a power nap. You’ll come home more refreshed and happy.
Plan Activities that will keep the Kids Occupied
After a day of adventures and fun you may want to decompress for a few hours before dinner. Plan some activities that will keep the kids occupied during this time of day. Plan a card game tournament, sand castle making contest, a scavenger hunt or an art activity. The adults can sit by and supervise with a cold adult beverage.
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