Creating the Illusion of an Entryway in your Apartment

Apartment Entryway Illusion

Furniture placement:

Spaces with an open concept floor plan are generally designed with each room flowing into another. Though this can add charisma to the space, often there is not a designated entryway. Thankfully, it is super easy to create your own version of one! Here are a few ways to create an illusion of an apartment entryway

Position couches, chairs, etc. so that their backs face the front door.

Entryway to apartment

Add a table behind the sofa

This creates the illusion of an entry way while also providing an extra spot to drop keys, wallets, mail, shoes, etc.

Wooden table with two chairs placed behind sofa

Place chair benches under the sofa table

Chair benches provide optional seating, take up no additional space and are both functional and welcoming to guests.

Table with chairs under

Add an area rug or a floor mat

The color and placement can make the space feel bigger too and can give the illusion of an apartment entryway.

Colorful area rug
Blue area rug

An entry hutch or shallow bookcase

This will help to separate the main entryway from other rooms in your apartment.

Decorate the outside of your door

This is a crafty way to warmly welcome guests’ right in- they won’t even notice the lack of an initial entry hall!

Door decoration -pink flowers
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