Make Moving Less Stressful On Your Dogs

Make Moving Less Stressful on Your Dog

Moving is stressful on anyone!  It can be even more stressful on your dog.  Make moving less stressful on your dogs with these tips to help create an anxiety free environment for your pet when you are moving to your new apartment home.  Above all you should try to be calm.  Pack your dog’s space last and keep a few of his or her favorite toys handy for the day that you move to provide comfort to your furry friend.

Make Moving Less Stressful on Your Dog

Keep Your Pet Restrained on the Trip to Your New Apartment

It is a good idea to restrain your pet on the ride to your new place.  A leash is good and can allow the dog some ability to move around in the car on the drive.  An idea that we like is to tie a knot in the leash and shut the Knot inside the door.  This way your dog can only travel as far as the leash allows.  It might be a better idea to use a crate for the ride to your new apartment.  This way your dog will not run off when you open the door.  Some dogs get car sick while in a vehicle.  Remember to bring wipes or paper towels with you in case you need to clean up an accident.  Make moving less stressful on your dogs by being prepared and calm yourself.

Make Moving Less Stressful on Your Dog

Give Your Pet Time to Get Used to The New Apartment

Experts say that it can take up to 14 days for a dog to get used to a new home.  Use their crate during this time as provides a safe and familiar haven for your pet.  They can watch the goings on in the new apartment from a safe place.  When you take your dog out for a walk always use a leash until they get used to the new neighborhood.  Remember that there may be new dogs and people that will upset your pet.  If you use a leash you can help re-direct your pet when they encounter troublesome experiences.

Budget Planning for Adding Pets into Your Apartment

Ensure that Your Apartment Home is Pet Safe

Your pets will be curious in their new home.  Ensure that moving will be less stressful on your dogs by checking out the new apartment for safety.  There may be items left out as you are unpacking that could be harmful to your furry friends.  Be careful with rubber bands, cleaning products, small toys or electrical cords.  Animals can also escape from a new place through an unattended door or under something like a fence.  This may lead to them getting lost or put in a harmful situation.  Help your dog get acquainted with their new living quarters.  Placing their bed in a comfortable spot away from drafts is a good idea.

With just a little bit of extra attention your pets will get used to their new environment very well.

Pet Friendly Living in Southern New Hampshire

Need a Pet Friendly Apartment Home?  We can help!  Red Oak Apartment Homes has a large variety of apartment locations, styles and prices.  Over 60% of our apartment welcome dogs.  You can make moving less stressful on your dogs by choosing an apartment community that welcomes them.  Our dog parks, pet grooming stations and walking trails at various properties are a great way to ensure that your pet will make a smooth transition to a new home.  Check out our pet friendly available apartments in NH.


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