If your apartment has an open concept kitchen, you may find that it can be difficult to create distinctions between rooms. Open Concept kitchens are great because they make your space look and feel bigger. It creates a layout that is spacious and yet not overwhelming.
Open Concept Kitchens
Here are a few tips on what to do with your open concept kitchen and dining area:
1. Integrate the style of the kitchen into the other rooms: Match any seating right off the kitchen to the kitchen décor to tie the two spaces together. To ensure that styles between rooms don’t clash, integrate the general style of the kitchen into other rooms to create fluidity throughout your home.
2. Add extra dining space: Tulip tables are a great idea because they can be moved together for larger parties or removed if there’s a lot of traffic moving through the kitchen/dining area.
3. Create your own island table: if the open concept kitchen does not already have an island table built in, a separate table can easily be set up with some casual stools and bingo-There is your island!
4. Use rugs to accent the rooms: Though the kitchen, dining area, and living room connect, using rugs to accent each room helps to create a subtle distinction between them all.
5. Open shelving and low profile stools help give the kitchen its own feel
6. Create the illusion of an entryway into the kitchen to avoid it becoming a high traffic area
7. Try room dividers to break up the space
Many of these ideas will work well in your Red Oak Apartment.
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