Some apartment renters ask Why should I have renters insurance?
Protecting your personal property when you rent an apartment can only be achieved if you have renters insurance to cover your belongings. Of all the homeowners in America, only 3% don’t have insurance on their homes. On the other hand, 57% of people who rent an apartment do not have insurance on their belongings! Some renters think they are covered by their landlord’s insurance plan, which is just not the case. Your stuff has value so don’t underestimate what it would take for you to replace your things. Think about if you had to replace your TV, computer, cell phone, clothing and furniture. This figure can easily add up to thousands of dollars. For just a few dollars a month, you can protect yourself and your stuff while you are renting an apartment.
Here are the top four reasons why you should get apartment renters insurance

1. Expect the unexpected You never know what is going to happen tomorrow. There could be a fire, natural disaster, or a water leak. Anything is possible. When you live in a building with other people, your stuff could be threatened by the actions of others. Getting renters insurance means that whether the next door neighbor burns their popcorn, or overfills the bathtub, you can have peace of mind that your stuff is covered.
2. Your Stuff is Valuable! That dusty old guitar you have sitting in your room could be worth hundreds of dollars! That jewelry you have on your dresser could be worth thousands! If something happens to your home while you are renting and your stuff is damaged or destroyed, all of those things could be worth nothing. Protecting your stuff means you can rock on with a new guitar or keep being fabulous with new jewelry no matter what happens.
3. Discounts! Do you have car insurance? You could get a discount if you get renters insurance with the same company! Smoke detectors in your apartment? You could get a discount! Secure entry? A discount could be in your future! Check with your local insurance agent to see what discounts you qualify for!
4. It provides Liability Coverage! Most standard policies for renter’s insurance offer liability coverage. This provides protection to you if someone is hurt while in your apartment or if you accidently injure someone. Ask about this important coverage when you buy your renter’s policy.

Need an apartment in Southern New Hampshire? We can help. Red Oak Apartment Homes has been helping renters since 1984 to find their perfect place to live. With over 1,900 apartment homes in 7 NH communities we have just what you need. Check out our available apartments and contact us for a tour.