Money Saving Tips

Drive Your Car with Gas Efficiency this Winter

Drive Your Car with Gas Efficiency this Winter

Saving Money operating a motor vehicle is sometimes a challenge.  In the midst of a long and seemingly endless New Hampshire winter it isn't uncommon to find the needle on your car's gas gauge fluttering pathetically over that ominous EMPTY indicator. New England...

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Three Ways to Insulate Your Apartment Windows For Winter

Three Ways to Insulate Your Apartment Windows For Winter

In New England we all know that cold winter weather is inevitable.  When you want to try to save money on heating costs the first place you should look is at your apartment windows.  The better prepared you are for winter, the warmer and cozier you will be when the...

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Saving Money on School Lunches for Your Kids

Saving Money on School Lunches for Your Kids

Lunch is a vital part of the school day for every kid. It’s the mid-day pick me up that they need to ensure that they are learning.    Remember, energy is essential for learning and for recess. Although it may be tempting to send your child off with some money for the...

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Saving Money on Back to School Supplies

Saving Money on Back to School Supplies

Although your kids may not be ready to hear this yet, Back to School time is right around the corner. That means, it’s time to start thinking about getting a new batch of school supplies for your kids. Before you drag them to the store to get them ready for the new...

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Throw a Great BBQ for Less Money

Throw a Great BBQ for Less Money

Cookout season is in full swing and chances are you will be attending a BBQ or two this summer.  As you know, the price of groceries has risen and many barbecue fans are wondering how to throw a great party and not break the bank while doing it. Here are some of our...

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Fun & Easy Ways to Stay Cool This Summer

Fun & Easy Ways to Stay Cool This Summer

The summer heat and humidity has finally arrived and we have begun to see the temperatures rise. Many people are turning on the air conditioning, heading to the pool, and changing their drink orders to iced coffee and iced tea. As much as we try to prepare for the...

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Keep Your Kids Busy all Summer without Breaking the Bank

Keep Your Kids Busy all Summer without Breaking the Bank

School is out for the summer. For kids, this means that they have the whole summer ahead of them to spend having fun and not doing homework. For parents, this means that they have to figure out how to keep your kids busy all summer without breaking the bank in the...

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Save Money on your Vacation

Save Money on your Vacation

Although New Hampshire is a great place to be, sometimes you just need to get away. The world is a big place, and it is definitely worth it to cash in your vacation time to go explore it. However, if you aren’t careful, you could be spending more money then you need...

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Top 10 Ways to Save Money on Groceries by Sticking To A List

Top 10 Ways to Save Money on Groceries by Sticking To A List

Save When You Buy Groceries It's easy to Save Money on Groceries and that doesn’t mean you have to buy food you don’t like or to settle for low quality foods and products.  Making a grocery list will save you time and money and will keep you on track.  Try it and you...

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Save Money on Transportation in Manchester New Hampshire

Save Money on Transportation in Manchester New Hampshire

  Manchester New Hampshire is a hustle and bustle city filled with lots of activity, business and entertainment. One look down Elm Street at any time of the day and you will likely see many cars and pedestrians coming and going. Transportation is a necessity for...

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