How to exercise your dog in an apartment
Keeping your pets healthy is a priority for all pet owners. This means watching out for what they eat and keeping them exercised. If you have noticed that your furry friend may be looking a little plump there are plenty of ways to shed their pounds even if you have limited space. Don’t let the rain or a cold day put a damper on your pet’s day of fun and exercise. No matter the size of your apartment home there are still many ways to exercise your dog or cat if you live in an apartment.

Tips for Exercising Your Pets Indoors
#1. Have your pet work for their food or treats:
Most dogs love the Kong dog treat holder and they burn calories while having fun.
Rather than leaving the cat dish on the floor move it to the counter or table.
You can even play hide and seek with your pets treats throughout your home. Hiding the treats in different rooms will get them up and moving.
#2. Cats love laser pointers:
Such a simple invention can keep your pet entertained for hours, convinced they will someday actually get the red dot. This allows them to get moving and enjoy some exercise.
#3. Use exercise equipment for your dog!
People have found that dogs actually like treadmills; if done slowly and supervised this can actually give your pup the same exercise as a long walk outdoors.
Cats love climbing, why not invest in a kitty tower. This will provide your cat with not only exercise but a cozy sleeping spot when he is done.
Above all have fun and your pet will be happy and healthy for a long time!

Find a Great NH Apartment That Welcomes Your Pets
Red Oak Apartment Homes offers a wide variety of apartment locations and styles. All apartments welcome cats and over half gladly accept dogs of varying sizes. We know that your pets are family and we love having them at our properties. Many pet owners love the dog parks located at Redstone Apartments, Milford Trails Apartments, Sunset Ridge Apartments and The Ridge at Eastern Trails Apartments. An Urban Dog Park is located at 875 Elm Street in Manchester.
There are many opportunities to exercise your pets at our other properties too. Pet owners love to socialize and have “Puppy Meet-ups” at some of our locations. Love living in the heart of the city? After brisk city dog walk why not use the dog washing station at Red Oak’s newest apartments at 409 Elm Street? Find out about breed restrictions and pet fees Contact us.