Have You ever had a chance to Tailgate?

Cheering for your team is a lot of fun! It’s especially exciting when you can be right at the stadium and take in the full on tailgating experience with all the food, games and socializing.
I recently had my first tailgating experience at The Patriots Home Field: Gillette Stadium. The game was set to begin at 1pm and the tailgating began at 9am.
I was amazed with the precision with which trucks and vans pulled into the lot and proceeded to set up tables, chairs, grills, tents, flags and gaming areas.
One fellow, who called himself the governor of the lot, had a flat screen TV set mounted on the back wall of his tent with all the pre-game talk available to his guests.
The Food at many of the tailgating groups was another eye-opener! There was everything from bacon and eggs, hamburgers, wings, chili and all the fixings to one guy who was deep frying a turkey. He had his generator humming to take care of all his power needs.
Playing bean bag toss, catching footballs, and poker playing seemed to be the most popular games. I saw quite a few innovative home-made games involving tossing large washers into plywood holes.
The atmosphere was friendly and fun and everyone had a love for their Patriots.
If you love a good time don’t miss out on a chance for great fun! Tailgating with your favorite Patriot Fans…Now That’s the Red Oak Life!
Take a look at this report that shares the 10 Commandments of Tailgating at Gillette Stadium.
Cheering for the Patriots…Now that’s the Red Oak Life!
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