Apartment Decorating

Clever Tips to Make Your Studio Apartment Look Bigger

Clever Tips to Make Your Studio Apartment Look Bigger

Living in a studio apartment can present limitations when it comes to space, but with some simple techniques and smart design choices, you can make your compact living area feel more spacious and inviting. In this article, we will explore practical ways to maximize...

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Fresh Vegetable Gardens and Apartment Living

Fresh Vegetable Gardens and Apartment Living

Are you craving homegrown vegetables but feel like you can’t have a garden because you live in an apartment? Here are some tips for gardeners who live in an apartment. Don’t worry, we discovered two great ways to have fresh vegetables this summer.  Home Grown...

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6 Ideas for Apartment Designing on a Budget

6 Ideas for Apartment Designing on a Budget

We all want to have an apartment that is stylish and cool looking.  Your plan doesn’t have to break the bank.   You can save while decorating your apartment.  We have assembled 6 Ideas for Apartment Designing on a Budget. Paint Painting is cheap.  Head over to the...

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Making the Most of Storage Space in Your Apartment

Making the Most of Storage Space in Your Apartment

Many folks feel that they don’t have enough space in their apartment home.  How can we combat that feeling, start by taking a close look at what you have.  Are there items you no longer need or use?  These can be donated or discarded.  Be sure to look for furniture...

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5 Ways to Customize Your Rental on a Tight Budget!

5 Ways to Customize Your Rental on a Tight Budget!

New England winters are long and hard, and sometimes the only way to turn a frosty frown upside down is to spruce up the look of your pad. However, especially after the holidays, wallets tend to tighten in the long and weary lead up to spring and summer. Don’t let a...

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Organize Your Apartment Closets

Organize Your Apartment Closets

Organize Your Apartment Closets. That sounds like a daunting task doesn't it?  With a little time and effort you can do it.  The end result will be a orderly closet and you will be able to find everything you need.  Here are some tips to help you get started. Look At...

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How to Hang Pictures

How to Hang Pictures

  Make your place your own by hanging some pictures on your apartment’s walls.  It is important to know how to hang pictures. You also probably want to do this without damaging the walls.  How you should hang art on the wall depends on how heavy and large the poster...

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Open Concept Kitchens

Open Concept Kitchens

If your apartment has an open concept kitchen, you may find that it can be difficult to create distinctions between rooms. Open Concept kitchens are great because they make your space look and feel bigger.  It creates a layout that is spacious and yet not...

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