Build a Good Score Your credit score is your financial fingerprint. Pretending your credit score will take care of itself is akin to telling yourself you're warm and dry while standing out in the pouring rain. Blast this myth into oblivion by building a strong credit...
Apartment Renting
6 Essential Tips for Moving
Here at Red Oak Apartment Homes we take pride in finding the perfect apartment for everyone. But deciding on the right place to live is only the first step…You still have to move all your belongings. Many people dread this part of relocating. Having to pack...
5 Ways renting an Apartment will Save You Money
Renting an apartment is a decision that can lead to cost savings for you. If you enjoy saving money renting is the way to go! Keep money in your pocket and worry less about spending. Our tips will help you realize that renting an apartment will save you money. You...
5 Tips for Moving in the Winter
Moving is always a task and it can bring stress to some folks. We do have some helpful tips for anyone who is moving in the snowy winter months. Winter moves are definitely a bit more of a hassle so take a look at our 5 tips for moving in the winter. Set up your...
5 Mistakes to Avoid When renting Your First Apartment
You have found your perfect first apartment. You are ready to sign the papers and move in. It’s an exciting time for you. It’s important to know that what you are entering into is a contract so remember these 5 mistakes to avoid when renting your first apartment....
What Renters Want in Their Apartment at 409 Elm Street!
New apartment communities are cropping up in the New Hampshire landscape and renters are clamoring for new technologies, luxury living and eco-friendly living. Red Oak Apartment Homes, the only retailer of apartments in the state, has listened to our renters and can...
Red Oak Offering New Apartments in Manchester
New Apartments in Manchester NH: Resident - friendly Apartments Open Ribbon cutting ceremonies at Red Oak at 409 Elm Street, Manchester NH were held on Thursday April 20, 2023. They ceremony included remarks from the Greater Manchester Chamber of Commerce, Mayor...
Moving into a Red Oak Apartment Home is Easy!
So, you’re looking for a new apartment home? Red Oak Apartments is your best bet for making the transition to your new place easy and carefree. Moving into a Red Oak Apartment Home is easy. Read on to find out why.Rentals for Your Lifestyle Red Oak has been...
Robotic Furniture Brings Your Studio Apartment into the Future
The future has arrived at Red Oak’s newest apartment community! Red Oak at 409 Elm Street is an innovative and smart luxury apartment choice in New Hampshire’s largest city. Select studio apartments at this location will include robotic furniture that will...
4 Amenities at Red Oak at 409 Elm Street Apartments That Promote Wellness
We all understand that having time to create a harmony and balance in our lives is very important to our overall well-being. For apartment dwellers this means folks are searching for wellness apartment amenities like Red Oak Yoga and others that can be found at Red...